How Does a Class Work?

Classes are a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows us to create reusable code structures and model real-world entities. In this blog post, we will delve into the inner workings of classes, exploring their purpose, structure, and usage, with the aid of clear examples. Whether you’re a novice programmer or seeking a refresher, this comprehensive guide will help demystify the world of classes and empower you to utilize them effectively in your coding journey.

What is a Class?

At its core, a class is a blueprint or template that defines the properties and behaviors of objects. It serves as a blueprint for creating specific instances, known as objects, which possess characteristics and abilities specified by the class. Think of a class as a cookie cutter that shapes the dough (objects) into cookies, each sharing the same properties and behaviors. Let’s consider a simple example of a class called “Car” to illustrate its structure:


class Car:

    # Class attributes

    brand = "Toyota"

    color = "Red"

    # Class methods

    def start_engine( ):

        print("Engine started!")

    def stop_engine( ):

        print("Engine stopped!")

In the above code snippet, we define the class “Car” with two class attributes, `brand` and `color`, which represent common characteristics shared by all instances of the class. Additionally, we have defined two class methods, `start_engine()` and `stop_engine()`, representing behaviors or actions that objects of the “Car” class can perform.

Creating Objects (Instances):

To make use of a class, we need to create objects or instances of that class. Object creation is achieved by invoking the class as if it were a function, which calls the class’s constructor method, often called `__init__()` or simply the initializer. Let’s create two car objects using the “Car” class:


my_car = Car()

your_car = Car()

In the above code, we have created two car objects, `my_car` and `your_car`, based on the “Car” class blueprint. These objects will possess the attributes and methods defined within the class.

Accessing Class Attributes and Invoking Methods:

Once we have objects instantiated from a class, we can access their attributes and invoke their methods using the dot notation. Let’s explore how we can do this with our car objects:


print(my_car.brand)  # Output: Toyota

print(your_car.color)  # Output: Red

my_car.start_engine()  # Output: Engine started!

your_car.stop_engine()  # Output: Engine stopped!

In the above code, we access the `brand` and `color` attributes of the `my_car` and `your_car` objects, respectively, using the dot notation. Similarly, we invoke the `start_engine()` method on the `my_car` object and the `stop_engine()` method on the `your_car` object.

Modifying Attributes:

One of the advantages of using classes is the ability to modify attributes dynamically. Let’s demonstrate how we can change the color of our `my_car` object:


my_car.color = "Blue"

print(my_car.color)  # Output: Blue

In the above code, we modify the `color` attribute of the `my_car` object to “Blue” by assigning a new value to it.

Integrating with Functions:

Classes can integrate with functions to provide additional functionality and modularity. Functions defined within a class are called methods, and they can interact with the class’s attributes and other methods. Let’s consider an example of a class called “Rectangle” with a method that calculates its area:


class Rectangle:

    def __init__(self, length, width):

        self.length = length

        self.width = width

    def calculate_area(self):

        return self.length * self.width

# Create a rectangle object

my_rectangle = Rectangle(5, 3)

# Calculate and print the area

area = my_rectangle.calculate_area()

print("Area:", area)  # Output: Area: 15

In the above code, we define the class “Rectangle” with an `__init__()` method to initialize its attributes `length` and `width`. We also define a `calculate_area()` method that accesses these attributes to compute the area of the rectangle. By creating a rectangle object and invoking the `calculate_area()` method, we obtain the desired result.

Usage Across Different Programming Languages:

While the syntax may vary, the concept of classes remains consistent across different programming languages. For instance, in Java, classes are defined using the `class` keyword, similar to Python. However, Java enforces stricter type declarations and follows a different syntax for method definition and attribute access. Similarly, in C++, classes are declared using the `class` keyword, but the methods and attributes may have different access specifiers.


Understanding how classes work is crucial for effective object-oriented programming. By defining a class, creating objects, and accessing their attributes and methods, we can create reusable code structures that model real-world entities. By leveraging the power of classes, we can build complex programs with organized and modular code. Whether you’re programming in Python, Java, C++, or any other OOP language, the concept of classes remains fundamental. Hopefully, this comprehensive guide has demystified the concept of classes, empowering you to apply them effectively in your programming endeavors. Happy coding!

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